Tree Service

Mission & Vision


Our mission is to foster sustainable forest management practices that prioritize the employment of local communities, enhance forest health, and mitigate fire hazards. We are committed to adapting to the changing needs of the forest ecosystem while honoring and implementing indigenous practices, thus creating resilient landscapes that benefit both people and nature.


Our vision is to support a regenerative economy where an abundance of jobs are created through the nurturing of ecological health. Prioritizing the well-being of both people and the planet, we aim to restore forests and empower communities that thrive sustainably for generations to come.

Meet the Team

  • William Grover


    As Willie grew up, he observed the dialogue of forest health evolve, grow and become increasingly more relevant. When he attended UCSC in 2000-2005, he brought a much-needed perspective of his community to academia in the restoration field. In 2019 Willie stared Elk Ridge Landscaping with the hope of applying his skills to local restoration projects. Willie later obtained his tree service license as the need for fire hazard mitigation increased. Willie is a skilled equipment operator, woodsman and landscaper whose skills are enhanced by his Environmental studies background.

  • Ben O'Neill


    After working in the Fire Service for 18 years, being a firsthand witness to the devastating fires that have ravaged many of California’s forests, Ben O’Neill moved back to his birthplace of northern Mendocino County. His primary goal was to begin working in fire prevention to help prepare communities for the impending catastrophe of future large-scale fires. Since the founding of the Tree Service branch, Ben has served as the Operations Manager. Based on his second career of teaching high school and instructing at Mendocino College, Ben has helped Elk Ridge build and train the Tree Services crews.

  • Vernon Wilson


    Vernon “Woods” Wilson brings 25 years of technical experience in climbing, hazardous removal and tree service. His oversight and advising adds great value to the Elk Ridge Company. Woods is the former Chair of the Cahto Tribal Council, and works closely with his tribe as a leader and bridge for building the Indigenous Workforce and cultivating place based wisdom in the company as a whole. With an emphasis on outreach, job scouting, and crew recruitment, Woods is a vital conduit for the regeneration of his culture and our region.

About the Crew

All of our crew members have deep roots established in Northern Mendocino County.  Although not a requirement, we are blessed with the ability to hire community members from our local workforce.  Our crew members have positive attitudes and thrive while shepherding our forests back to a healthy ecosystem. Working hard is the theme for our crews, but also, working with respect for our community and overall environment. It’s an honor to help with the life-long task of managing our forests. 

Mobile Saw Shop

We had the supreme fortune of hiring Casey Comer in the winter of 2023. Casey brings to the team 25 years of experience as a master small engine mechanic. Coupled with his ability to see the overall vision of our company, Casey has fully outfitted 2 service trailers into portable saw shops. There is little Casey can't do in the mechanical world, and also brings master skills in falling timber, climbing, and education to anyone who wishes to learn more about the makeup of chainsaws. 

The mobile saw shops speak to the evolution of Elk Ridge Tree Service as we focus on building internal self-sufficiency and expanding workforce development through the cultivation of different skills. As a company, we are focused on keeping things in-house and in the local economy.