
Fuels Reduction, Landscaping, Consulting

 Fuels Reduction

Fuels reduction is the process of clearing small trees and brush in the understory leaving an intact upper canopy. This process along with low-intensity burning significantly reduces the potential of catastrophic fire. The process of using fuels reduction strategically is known as a shaded fuel break. Shaded fuel breaks are seen as having more benefit than simple mineral soil cut fire lines which become overgrown with highly flammable brush when the trees are removed. Elk Ridge Tree Service utilizes locally based crews and knowledge to enhance the benefits of our operations. Hand crews typically have less impact on the soil compared to mastication, utilizing large machines to grind the vegetation so it can readily decompose on the forest floor. We often use our hand crews in conjunction with mastication to get work done on a large scale, but treatments vary depending on the overall objective of a project.


Our skilled forest health team works with a myriad of experts to identify project areas and types of treatments. By drawing on significant experience and lessons learned we can help projects move through the decision-making process. We can provide planning and oversight to identify sensitive areas and minimize the impact of potential projects. Elk Ridge’s ability to identify and map forests in need of fuels reduction treatment makes the company uniquely equipped to contribute data necessary for grant applications and developing fuel management plans.